Volume Validation
Which buttons should be pushed to get more volume out of a new concept?
Our client, a medium-sized player in its category, has a new product line
developed. There are still possibilities for adjustments to the design and intrinsic flavours. The customer would like to have insight into the volume potential of the new concept and want to know whether there are still possibilities to increase this volume even further.
We have used our CSI Validator for this. Through the CSI Waterfall analysis, we gained insight into how consumers adopt the new concept. There were still clear areas for improvement in terms of concept and product.
We also looked at the purchasing behavior for the shelf. What is the penetration % at a certain price, how much loyalty can you expect and to what market share and volume does that lead?
The tested concept achieved a penetration of 21%, a market share of 3.8% and a volume of 400,000 units. The target was 450,000 units. So the volume was too low!
By looking in the CSI waterfall at unique elements of the concept that respondents dropped out of (only on this), we were able to indicate what could be changed in the concept to achieve a higher penetration. We were also able to use penalty product analyzes to see what needed to be improved in certain flavors.

These changes could bring the concept to 26% penetration, market share to 4.7% and volume to 495,000 units. 10% more than the target! Tinkering with the concept and improving the product was therefore our advice!
Would you like to know more about how such a volume validation works? Please take a look at this page!