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Our method
Unique answers to
important innovation questions

TSVC does not measure buying intention but provides insight into buying behaviour.

TSVC provides reliable forecasts of the expected volume and market share.

TSVC provides insight into the origin of brand switchers in innovations.

TSVC identifies areas for improvement that generate additional buyers.
Reliable predictions by
the unique Model Check
For each project we create a new forecasting model. To check whether the model is correct, we first predict the volume of a reference product from the study and compare it with the Nielsen/IRI volumes of this reference product.
When the result is between index 95 and index 105, the model is approved and can be used to predict the new concept.
This makes us unique and this produces very good results!
Forecast and realization of 11 projects at a multinational 1 year after introduction: max. deviation 10%

Why choose TSVC?


Unique models





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